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Psychological Safety: Creating a Learning Culture

Workshop overview:

Psychological safety is a shared belief among team members that they can take interpersonal risks without fear of negative consequences. Everyone feels comfortable to speak up, share ideas, ask questions, learn from errors and express concerns. They feel respected and valued, empowered to perform at their best and contribute more effectively to your organisation’s goals and client service outcomes.

This workshop will introduce you to the key principles of psychological safety, why they are important, and how they promote a learning culture, a growth mindset and a more inclusive, positive workplace. You will learn how to minimise psycho-social risks and how a psychologically safe workplace can help you create a culture of continuous learning and development, facilitate better recognition and feedback, boost autonomy and flexibility, as well as help staff feel more confident and resilient.

Fostering psychological safety helps organisation cultivate a learning culture that promotes employee engagement, creativity, innovation and teamwork, ultimately driving long-term success and competitive advantage.

Who should attend: 

Operational staff, service providers, team leaders and managers, senior staff, executive leaders.

Outcomes of this workshop:

  • Understand the core attributes of psychological safety, why they are important and how they contribute to an inclusive, learning culture
  • Recognise what the absence of psychological safety looks like
  • Know how to promote and support psychological safety
  • Foster psychological safety and growth mindset 

About the facilitator:

Bruce loves to help people understand how other people tick so they can work together with less stress and more ‘yes’! With a focus on leadership, communication and team dynamics, Bruce has been delivering adult education, coaching and professional development programs for over 4 decades. He is an accomplished speaker and facilitator with an engaging and relaxed presentation style and is a regular contributor to training and development programs for allied health organisations and the aged and community care sector.

Bruce Williams

Date: 14 November 2024
Time: 2.00pm – 4.00pm AEDT
Cost: ACCPA Member:

1 – 2 people: $289.00 (GST inc) each
3 – 10 people: $260.00 (GST inc) each

Additional member discounts apply for groups of 11 and greater. Contact  for a discussion.              

Non Member: $462.00 (GST inc)

Date: 20 February 2025
Time: 2.00pm – 4.00pm AEDT
Cost: ACCPA Member:

1 – 2 people: $289.00 (GST inc) each
3 – 10 people: $260.00 (GST inc) each

Additional member discounts apply for groups of 11 and greater. Contact  for a discussion.              

Non Member: $462.00 (GST inc)

Date: 15 May 2025
Time: 2.00pm – 4.00pm AEST
Cost: ACCPA Member:

1 – 2 people: $289.00 (GST inc) each
3 – 10 people: $260.00 (GST inc) each

Additional member discounts apply for groups of 11 and greater. Contact  for a discussion.              

Non Member: $462.00 (GST inc)

Booking Terms & Conditions


Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) is committed to respecting the privacy of its customers and stakeholders and adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Privacy Act). The Australian Privacy Principles govern the way in which we collect, use, disclose, store, secure, and dispose of your Personal Information.

A copy of the Australian Privacy Principles is available here:

A copy of ACCPA’s Privacy Policy is available here:

Photographs and video footage may be taken during an ACCPA event or training session for ACCPA promotional purposes including social media, publications or communications. If you do not want your image used, please advise us via writing.

Utilising the contact details provided to ACCPA from time to time, Learning and Professional Development will send out information on upcoming training opportunities in a direct electronic message. If you do not wish to receive this information and prefer to ‘opt out’ – email  and we will remove you from our ‘waiting lists’ and ‘email communications’ database. 

Cancellations, Refunds, Substitutions and Transfers:

ACCPA’s Learning and Professional Development (L&PD) products are delivered subject to sufficient registrations, as stipulated by available tickets against each event, and tickets can be purchased directly from the What’s On page.

Training session viability of each advertised session is assessed one week prior to the scheduled date of delivery, when a decision is made regarding continuation or cancellation. When a training session is cancelled due to insufficient numbers or circumstances outside of the control of ACCPA, a full refund will be paid, directly to the customer who has made the initial purchase.

A full refund is also available if a participant withdraws from a training session, 5 or more days prior to the session being delivered, on the condition, that the customer has contacted , to inform regarding their intention to withdraw. No refunds or transfers will be considered without notification prior to the commencement of a training session. Late notifications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

An organisation may choose to substitute a participant of a previously paid session, by emailing , 24 hours prior to the commencement of the training session. Full details of the substituted participant must be provided.

Payment Terms

It is a condition of registration that participants pay full payment at the time of booking via credit card or by invoicing by prior arrangement. 

All payments must be finalised prior to commencement. Registrants who have outstanding payments will not be able to participate. Upon registration, a Tax Invoice will be emailed to the person making the booking.