The Aged and Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) welcomes new data showing almost complete 24/7 Registered Nurse (RN) coverage in aged care and improvements in star ratings, as released by Minister Wells today.
New figures show the vast majority of providers are meeting the Government’s 24/7 RN requirements.
“This is positive news and aged carer providers should be congratulated for achieving so much in the face of huge workforce shortages across the country,” said ACCPA CEO Tom Symondson.
“More than 86% of residential aged care facilities have reported full compliance with the new legislation, and many more are close to doing so which is welcome news. With strict eligibility requirements for exemption from the rule, there is still work to be done to support those providers who are unable to fully comply due to a lack of workers and are not eligible for an exemption.”
“We will continue to work with the government to support those providers who haven’t quite met the requirements, and to identify how we can help them and ensure there are tailored solutions and options. This is particularly crucial in rural and remote Australia where shortages are at their worst”.
We also welcome the release of another round of Star Ratings data showing many more providers are attaining higher ratings of 4 and 5 stars, than in the previous quarter.
“We have seen significant improvements in star ratings across the sector, and we commend aged care providers for their efforts to improve their performance under challenging circumstances. These results demonstrate the commitment of the sector to deliver quality care to older Australians.
“It’s particularly pleasing to see a marked increase in satisfaction scores by residents, because that’s what it’s about: improving the lives of older Australians.”
“We also thank the Minister for her recognition of this effort.”